A New Song for a New Season

In nearly every season of my Christian walk, I can identify with someone from the Bible. God’s Word is filled with story after story of real people – not characters – who get it right and get it wrong, heroes and zeros. I think most of us can relate to many of them depending on the season of life we’re living and our level of closeness with God at the time.

At times I relate to Peter for his impetuousness and zeal. I can make a real mess of things in my passion and desire to “do” things for Jesus. Too, I am more often than not willing to walk out to meet Jesus on the water. Being Peter can be both good and bad.

I can be terrified like Gideon but willing to do things God’s way. I have struck out to places I don’t know like Abraham and “helped” God make His plan happen. I could give you at least a dozen other examples.

Over the years I have probably most related to David for various reasons – the good, the bad, and the ugly sides of him. Now, in this season, I relate to David – in a good way.

As he would pour his heart out in song, his words rising in pure worship then plummeting in despair, clearly, David knew that God was his only hope. God was David’s one desire. I’m in that place. Recently, I have been writing songs for my son Zack. I’ve known for decades that I have songs in me and from time to time have written lyrics that get tossed into a drawer. Now, though, words to songs seem to be pouring from me in a way that has completely amazed me. Maybe I should say they are being poured in so that they may be poured out.

When this began to happen back in October, I could have said, “Nope, I am a fiction writer. That’s my gig” and ignored this urging. But I didn’t. This new way in which God is using my gift of words is such a blessing to me. It’s worth learning some new things and at times getting negative feedback.

This leaves me with two questions for you:

One: What person from the Bible do you most relate to in this season and why?

Two: Do you keep yourself stuck in a fading season just because it’s too much effort to pack those winter clothes away and get out the spring ones?

I would love to hear your thoughts.


Grace and peace and songs of worship to you,


New Release Today – A Thousand Blessings

Click Here to Purchase

It’s about time I have a full length novel available, huh? I find it hard to believe it’s been a year and a half since Deceiver was released. Hopefully, from now on I will have one or two books to release per year. Believe me, I have so many stories already written in my head that all I need is the time to sit down and write them.

This past 18 months has been spent getting my bearings, learning some new skills, and honing my craft. I like that – honing. 🙂 Now, I’m ready to get some writing done and new stories released.

Our team has been brainstorming and looking for the best way to reach more readers in the future. Since what I write is most often stories that will lead the heart to Jesus, we genuinely consider this ministry. Many of you have contacted me with stories of how a particular story has urged you into a closer walk with Jesus. You can’t possibly imagine what your stories mean to me. I read them every one and cry over some.

Consider it from my standpoint: I sit here and face a screen and peck away at a keyboard. It’s easy to forget there are minds and hearts out there that are being impacted for the Kingdom. What else can that be but ministry? I thank you for allowing me to be a part of your lives – if even from my quiet office.

In order to reach more readers, a few things need to happen:

One, tell your friends about what you read if you like a particular story. Direct them to lisaheatonbooks.com or Amazon for purchase. Word of mouth is the very best way to develop a following.

Two, for the print and Kindle books you have read, reviews on Amazon are helpful. Those good reviews help others decide to read.

Finally, pray for wisdom for us. It’s so easy to get tunnel vision and do things one way for so long that it becomes difficult to see new opportunities. Prayer is always appreciated.

If you decide to purchase A Thousand Blessings, share your thoughts here on the site through the contact form. We would love to hear back from you and maybe even use your review, whole or in part, to do some promotions.

Thanks for your encouragement and support. I hope you enjoy Isabel’s story.

Blessings to you,



And the winner is…

Thanks to all for your participation in this giveaway.

The winner of the grand prize is: Diana Evans

Three runner-up winners: Terry Sykes, Nancy Arrington,
and Kelly Sullivan.

You will receive your PDF on Saturday, the 18th,
three days before the official release. Winners: email me at lisa@lisaheatonbooks.com so I will have your current email address.

Remember, for those of you who didn’t win, you can pre-purchase the PDF to receive your advance copy of the novel on Saturday, February 18th in time for weekend reading.

Click here to pre-purchase your copy today.

I’m working at a frantic pace to get this ready for you. I hope the long hours will pay off. Can’t wait to see the reader response.

A Thousand Blessings to you!