Back in the Swing of Things

First, happy August to you. Many are now sending kids back to school and getting back to normal life. While I’m not sending a kid off to school – first time for that in over 20 years, I am getting back into the swing of things.

I’ve been off the grid over the summer and pecking away while working on my next book, my first nonfiction project, Live Loved. I’m still heavy in the writing process, so I can’t give you a time of publication. I would think a 2019 release is to be expected.

I can honestly say, I am more excited about this project than anything I’ve ever written. Nonfiction is different in many ways. The creative process is wildly different. Stories steal my imagination when I’m working on fiction, but this, this has consumed my every waking thought it seems. I find myself emailing myself from bed at 3:00 in the morning with a new idea. I hope the finished product matches up with the hype I have going on in my mind.

Already, I have a couple of speaking engagements where I will get to share my heart on the topic of living loved. I hope to flesh out concepts and watch them settle into the hearts of women. What I am attempting to capture on paper is, in many ways, my own journey of becoming a loved woman. No matter how loved I was in my early walk with Jesus, I simply never received the truth of it into my belief system. Many are still in that same boat.

If you will, pray for this endeavor. Every moment I’m writing I know it’s bigger than me. The scope of the project and all I need to say is beyond me. Simply, I’m not capable of doing this. Thankfully, I got over that fact and have allowed the resurrection power of Jesus to do through me what I can’t do myself. You’re welcome for that. On my on I could easily make a mess of even something as magnificently simple as God’s neverending, soul-quenching love for us all.

I will leave you with this thought: The enemy is still a liar. He hasn’t changed his tactics since his encounter with Eve in the garden. He lies to me daily. Over the past few months, his lies have only grown with ever-increasing intensity. His activity and schemes against me are unparalleled in this season. That confirms I must be on the right track with this new book. So I press on to win the prize of sharing what I’ve witnessed in my own transformation.

Ask yourself this today: What lie is the serpent feeding you?

The greatest weapon in your arsenal against his attack is fighting lies with God’s truth. Open your Bible today and search out what your Father says about you. Lean into Jesus so that His love and truth will demolish any stronghold that keeps you ineffective. That’s the enemy’s plot against the child of God, to render her powerless to do what she was created to do – glorify a holy God.

I am praying for you now and ask the same of you. We are attacked from all sides, but that affects us not when we rest in the shelter of the Most High.

You. Are. Loved.