Billboard of My Life


Something interesting happens when God is trying to get my attention. I call it the billboard of my life. It’s as if He takes little clues or sometimes blatantly obvious messages and plasters them all around my life. Everywhere I look, there’s another reminder or some repetition of what He has been saying to me elsewhere. I’m sure this happens to us all, but do we all watch for His, sometimes unusual, leading?

Here is an example of what happened this week:

Wednesday, my son texted me that the verse of the day on the K-Love radio station was “his” verse, Zephaniah 3:17.

Thursday morning, early while the coffee pot filled, I did a quick scan through Facebook for birthdays and critical Facebook stuff. I found this and copied it for Zack. I thought, cool, he will see that God is nudging at him about something.

Once my coffee was ready, I went to do my devotion. Yep, you guessed it. In the current devotional I’m using, that was the exact scripture for that day, Zephaniah 3:17. My version is different from above:

“The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” 3:17 (NIV One Impact Bible)

I realized, while God may be talking to Zack about something, I know for sure He is opening my eyes up to some new truth. While I read the devotion material that went along with the scripture, nothing major jumped out at me, but I knew something would come eventually. I think I was still too stunned by how it had all come about. The following morning, when reading it again, the Lord led me through some great reminders for this season and even through some acknowledgement of some painful past yuck in my life. The “what” of it only matters to me. That’s my Word from God for the day, what I consider my manna.

What you need to focus on is what is your manna, your daily bread from God? What is God plastering all over the billboard of your life that you may not be slowing down long enough to respond to? If you take time each day to meet with Him, to pursue Him, I promise you He will be found. That’s Scripture! (Jer. 29:13)

So now you:
What’s currently on the billboard of your life? Share here. I’m interested to know.



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