When Darkness Prevails

Hello from Long-Lost Lisa. I’ve missed you. Life has thrown me many-too many-curveballs over the past two months. I’m glad to be back in the swing of things.

Below you’ll find my latest RaptureReady.com article. Feel free to share if you would like.

It’s not just our imaginations that the world is growing ever darker. Each new morning the headlines prove us right. Still, with all that’s transpiring in the world, many fail to see things are amiss, or if they do, they underestimate its importance since they don’t know Bible prophecy. Rising darkness is a clear indication of the soon-coming Light. Many don’t believe in the rapture of the church, even professing Christians, so they go about life squinting in the darkness rather than admitting that seven years of nightfall is quickly approaching. Continue reading full article…

22 thoughts on “When Darkness Prevails

  1. Lisa, lately I have wondered if you were ok but waited for you to resurface. I was really surprised when I saw your email this afternoon. Thanks for your post and for sharing. You have my deepest condolences regarding the loss of your dad. May God surround you and Dede with His love, mercy and compassion in your time of sorrow. And praise God your dad was a believer in Christ Jesus. As believers we can be assured and comforted with God’s word such as found in 2 Corinthians 5:8 and Romans 8:38-39 regarding our departed loved ones.

    The world is getting darker and darker and it is hard to witness all the things we are seeing and reading regarding the rapid stage setting for the Tribulation. That only means the Rapture must be sooner. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. Romans 8:22-23. So could this be the day we hear the trump of God and voice of archangel? If not, maybe tomorrow. We have to hold on for a while longer, but I think all sense Jesus is coming soon and he will meet us in the clouds and take us home to his Father’s house and we will be with him forevermore. I can only imagine! What a day that will be. Maranatha!

    Awaiting His Return,


    1. Thank you for your kind message, Karen. And thank you for your prayers for my family. I love how you you ended your message, reminding me to wait with expectation. I’m sure ready to meet that sweet Jesus of ours in the air soon.

      Blessings to you,

      1. I am not sure why I still reach out to many in my email address book because very seldom do I get a response, but if it reaches one person, it would be worth it. So, I read your post again today which provided inspiration to write today including your post first followed by Living in Biblical Times w/D. Duck, and finally the most recent prophecy update from Pastor T. Hughes. It all just fit together so well regarding the shortness of time we have and to urge those who may not have come to the Lord yet, to do so now and encourage Christian brothers and sisters. May God bless you for the fruit of your labor and may God be glorified in all you do.

        I closed with one of my favorite old gospel hymns and am sharing with you today. It makes you want to lift up your arms and dance for the Lord. He is coming back. I am so excited and know you are too. Maranatha!

        1. Thanks, Karen, for reaching out. You’re right. If you reach just one person, then your efforts are well worth it. You’ll have to tell me the Pastor Tom video you’re talking about. It’s all been such a blur in my life, I haven’t watched much of anything at all here lately. I hope you get some response to your outreach. Even if not, you’ve served your King.

          Blessings to you,

          1. Good Evening Lisa,

            Per your request, Tom’s video was from his prophecy update was 2/15 entitled It’s All Engineered Deception – It’s All Planned. So many events have occurred the last couple of weeks. It seems as though plans have been accelerated by the enemy for 2023.

            Your beautiful, poignant letter was included as a reminder to anyone reading regarding the brevity life which can sometimes end quickly and unexpectantly, but also to serve as encouragement for those who have placed their trust and faith in Jesus Christ using 1 Cor 2:9, 1 Thess 4:13-18, and 1 Cor 15:51-54 and hopefully plant a seed for those reading who are unsure or may not have accepted Christ yet. There is a beautiful future on the horizon for those who belong to Jesus which I believe many Christians still don’t understand, so I am really looking forward to your next post – Heavenly Vision.

            Continuing to pray for God’s never-ending mercy and healing love to surround you, your family and Dede during this time of sorrow. I think we are all very ready to go home and I truly believe we are going to see the King very soon. Praise the Lord for his promise of the Blessed Hope.

            Should you have time, tomorrow night Messianic songwriter and singer, Joshua Aaron will be at Pastor Tom’s Church for a time of worship from 7-8:30 pm PDT. The event will be live streamed on the website or can be viewed on the ap only. When we moved back to Norman, OK in 2019, I was able to attend a Messianic House of Worship Center where Joshua led the group in worship. It was kind of strange how I go there, but God does work in mysterious ways. The house was packed, and it was a wonderful night of rejoicing, singing and praising God. Here is the link for more information. https://hopeforourtimes.com/upcoming-events/

            Here is one of Joshua’s songs if you are not familiar with his music.



          2. Thanks, Karen. I did watch that Pastor Tom video. I didn’t get to watch the worship time you mentioned, but I’m sure it was moving and meaningful.

            I thank you for your continued prayers. God hears you, sister.


          3. Hi Lisa,
            I was reading through the comments today and something you said to Karen really meant a lot to me, and that was,

            “I hope you get some response to your outreach. Even if not, you’ve served your King.”

            I personally needed to hear that. I have for many years attempted to reach out in various ways to no avail. As we all know, it is very discouraging to say the least.

            The Lord in His goodness spoke through you to encourage all of us to continue in our service to Him, even when it does not appear to be making a difference.

            Thank you Lisa,


          4. Hey Rhonda,
            I love when I accidentally minister to myself. (“I hope you get some response to your outreach. Even if not, you’ve served your King.”) Just you mentioning that in your comment helped me too. Funny how I say things I mean to and for others but then sometimes forget to apply them to myself. I really do appreciate you taking the time to write this.

            Have a blessed week,

  2. Hi Lisa,

    So happy to see you back. We all eagerly wait ‘to hear from you’. I am so sorry and saddened to hear about your dad and what he suffered, but at the same time so very eternally grateful/thankful for the HOPE we have in JESUS.

    Yes, your dear, sweet dad is now whole and just waiting for his glorious new body!! That’s an exciting anticipation that we all can share.

    You. Are. Loved. Lisa,

    Anxiously awaiting your upcoming Heavenly Vision article.

    With much love,

    1. Hey Rhonda,
      I’m glad to hear I was missed. 🙂 It’s helpful to get back into the swing of things. Isn’t it crazy how the greatest tragedy can happen, then, next thing you know, life just keeps trudging along?

      I’ll have you another article soon.

      Love right back,

  3. Lisa, I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I will pray for your family and Dede. I will pray she feels Jesus’ arms wrapped tightly around her. I believe you are right though, she probably won’t have to wait very long to see her sweet husband again. Jesus is coming soon… I believe that with every cell in my body. I look up in the sky everyday and say “Lord, now would be a good time.” I know He has it all figured out and planned perfectly… one of these days it WILL be that day and in a “twinkling of an eye” we will be with our Lord Jesus!!
    I will keep your family in prayer.
    Your Sister in Christ, Beccy Kramer

    1. Thanks, Beccy for checking in, and thank you for your thoughtful prayers. I need to do what you do more, step outdoors and say, “Lord, now would be a good time.” I’m so ready!! Can’t wait to meet you in heaven.

  4. You have been on my mind lately, as I have been rereading your You. Are. Loved. book. I’m so so sorry to hear about the loss of your Dad. May God keep you in His peace.

    1. Thanks, Kathy. I’m glad you’re sticking with the YAL book. It’s times like these when knowing how truly loved I am is what is carries me through.

      Keep me posted as you work through the book.


  5. Dear Lisa,
    Please know that you and Dede and the rest of your family are being prayed for and that beauty always follows ashes.
    Focus on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. May God keep you in the double grip of His grace.
    Missed you and thank you for sharing this life changing situation with such strength and comforting words. God bless; see you soon…..

    1. Hey Denise,
      Thank you for keeping my family in your prayers. Actually, we are already seeing how beauty follows ashes in some ways. I’ll do just that, keep my eyes on Jesus. I like the idea of His double grip. 😉

      Have a good rest of the week,

  6. Lisa, I am so sorry of your loss. My deepest sympathies to you and your loved ones. I will keep you and yours in my prayers.


  7. Lisa, I am so very sorry for all that you have been going through. I know what you are feeling because I lost my mom the same way when I was 20. I didn’t understand until I was 37 and endured my own depression, but praise Jesus for coming to my rescue. God bless you and just as you say we must focus on Jesus in the dark days. Thank you so much for your articles. Love and prayers, Marilyn

    1. Oh, Marilyn, I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m praising Jesus with you for coming to your rescue! And mine. I truly am keeping my eyes fixed on Jesus. Thank you for your prayers.

      In Him,

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